This library when running as a maven plugin will transform hard-coded values on feature files in Cucumber-JVM based automation, and in some cases, this also helps to substitute values, mostly for the commonly used data from yaml files.
— no hard-coded test data in feature files within automation projects
— auto-generate date values (past or future) to stay relevant before test runs
Add this block to pom.xml
By default, this plugin will look for substituting values from the file: token.yaml
. Optionally, the file with a different name can also be passed as follows:
After adding this plugin dependency on pom.xml
, along with surefire-plugin, mvn test
either substitutes values from yaml file by matching the path or auto-generate like in case of date values. Please also note that it doesn't modify the original feature files, but the ones in build directory: target
url: https://test.com
email: test@email.com
password: qa-test123!
name: Tommy
Feature: Login feature
Scenario: To verify that the user logins successfully [without plugin]
Given User opens the app url: "https://test.com"
When User enters account details: "test@email.com" and "qa-test123!"
Then User verifies the name as : "Tommy" and date as "06/26/2023"
Scenario Outline: To verify that the user logins successfully [with plugin]
Given User opens the app url: "[ type: token, path: test-config.url ]"
When User enters account details: "<UserName>" and "<Password>"
Then User verifies the name as : "<Name>" and date as "[ type: date, format: MM/dd/yyyy, delta: 0 ]"
| UserName | Password | Name |
| [ type: token, path: account.email ] | [ type: token, path: account.password ] | [ type: token, path: account.name ] |
[ type: token, path: account.email ]
=> In this template, Jsonpath account.name
gets value Tommy
from the yaml file
[ type: date, format: MM/dd/yyyy, delta: -1 ]
=> Yesterday's date in MM/dd/yyyy
[ type: date, format: dd-MM-yyyy, delta: 1 ]
=> Tomorrow's date in dd-MM-yyyy
[ type: random, format: mobile-number ]
=> This template returns randomly generated mobile number. other formats could be last-name, full-name, mobile-number, address-line-1 etc.
How to help
If you come across an issue while using this plugin, do help to file a bug here
Thank you for reading!